Saturday, 4 March 2017

Should parent be blamed for their children’s action?

Bully case in Malaysia 

       The findings showed that there were various factors that encouraged bullying. The study found that these bullies were not from low income families. Most of the students come from middle or upper class families, in other words, families without financial problems. They felt satisfied earning money by bullying. The findings are in line with research by Wan-Salwina et al. (2014) who found no association between bullying and low social economic status. (Norshidah Mohamad Salleh and Khalim Zainal, 2014).
      Based on this case, showing that some of bullying is an issue that continues to get attention from parents because some of the students is lack of attention from parents and feeling that bully is getting power and attention from public.
Parents should aware of their child behavior since young. Child grow up with their parent, parent have the biggest responsibility on teaching their child what is the right thing to do; giving them lesson to learn if they made mistake. What a child would behave in public or shall I said out of the house, is how they reflect the example of their parent. 

Y E S !

      Parents should aware of their child behavior since young. Child grow up with their parent, parent have the biggest responsibility on teaching their child what is the right thing to do; giving them lesson to learn if they made mistake. What a child would behave in public or shall I said out of the house, is how they reflect the example of their parent. 

Image result for Philadelphia, the parents receive a warning for the first violation

     In Philadelphia, like many other cities, can impose penalties on the parents when their children are out past the city curfew. In Philadelphia, the parents receive a warning for the first violation, up to a $150 fine for a second violation, and $300 to $500 fines for subsequent violations. After two or more violations, each repeat offense can result in up to a $300 fine and/or up to 90 days in jail for the parents. (Eve and etc, 2011). 
A Pennsylvania couple who believe in faith-healing rather than modern medicine will each spend the next three and half to seven years behind bars for the death of their 8-month-old son, the second time one of their ill children died without seeing a doctor.

No !

    Although conservatives look to family failings as an explanation for societal ills, this whole line of reasoning was also promoted by a liberal, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan. It is true that children of single mothers were much more likely to commit crimes, and much more likely to be incarcerated for their offences. Yet, the true culprit is poverty, rather than the marital status of parents. This point is illustrated by the fact that children of single mothers fare very much better in European countries having minimal child poverty.

Low-income parents spend a lot less time talking to their children than middle-income parents do and their conversations are much less enriching in terms of varied vocabulary. They do a lot more scolding and provide a lot less emotionally positive feedback. So it is not surprising that their kids do less well at school and are more likely to get in trouble with authority figures, and to behave in delinquent ways.
     Besides that, parent have the responsibility to their children action but does not mean parent should be blamed their children's action.

     Children have their personal thinking and their freedom to doing what they need to do. If parent blame their childrent action that is unfair to their children. parent is a mirron of the child, so when a children's action have some prolem, parent have responsibility to corret it and accept the mistake from the child.

      So,parent only need observe their children's action when he or she just a kid.  parent can instilling positive minded and moral minded to their children.  Parent must teach their childrent distinguish right and wrong when facing the problem.
      If parents blame their children, their childrent can not learn some thing in their life.  Parent can not blame their children action scien their just a kid until teenagers, this action can not help children comprehensive growth, they can not be independent in their future.  The fact is, children can not expree their personal opinion and do the decision by them self because they habitual dependence on their parent.  So, parent should not blamed their children's action.


1) Norshidah Mohamad Salleh and Khalim Zainal (2014) Bullying among secondary school students in malaysia: a case study, International Education Studies, December, 7(13), pp.184-191. [Online]. Available from: Canadian Center of Science and Education. [Accessed 4 March 2017].

1) Eve M. Brank, JD, PhD, and Josh Haby (2011) Why not blame the parents? [Online]. Available from:  [Accessed 05 March 2017].
2) Barber, N. (2014). Blaming parents for their children failings. [Online]. Available from:  [Accessed 6 March 2017].

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